Organisation Development Consultant


Communities of practice
This week I’d like to share a resource that a client shared with me… (Thank you, Lee!) Community of Practice Design Guide The link above takes you to a practical and simple guide developed by Darren Cambridge, Soren Kaplan, and Vicki Suter (2005). It explains what a Community of Practice (CoP) is and offers practical...
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A neglected question in process design [2-minute view + 3-minute read]   Aside from being a cute video, this is also a challenging one. It suggests that we should be looking for ways in which the changes we’re trying to make could be fun. Thinking about how they might appeal to the people’s desire for...
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change management leadership competency
Change: a core leadership competency [4-minute read] Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about leaders and leadership. Sometimes, with feelings of fondness and admiration; often, with a certain wistful frustration. Of course, leadership is central to any change or organisation development (OD) effort: if the leaders (formal and informal) don’t really want change, it’s almost...
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[8-minute read] Debriefing, learning and accountability processes Why bother? Change is a constant. When we cease adapting to change we lose contact with reality – our strategy gathers cobwebs, our people go to sleep, we lose relevance. The only way to stay connected and working at our edge – and with excellence – is to...
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3 first steps for avoiding crisis [7-minute read] Recently, the theme of leadership succession has been pretty ubiquitous. It keeps cropping up in conversations with clients in the NGO sector, in colleagues’ work, even with friends. Why now? On one level, this is a very worrying sign – it undoubtedly means I’m getting old. On a less...
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organisational damage control warren-banks-aligning-purpose-strategy-culture-chess
[4-minute read] Often organisations spend a lot of time talking about strategy… Developing strategic plans… Trying to engender a culture of strategic thinking… Building ownership of the strategy amongst staff. And so on. This makes complete sense: good strategy is critical for success. It’s our road-map into the future, towards our goals and aspirations.  And,...
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rebranding warren banks creating-visions-brand-identity-brand-development-positioning-narrative-approaches-to-change-winter-tree
[2-minute read] There’s nothing more human than storytelling. It’s embedded in everything we do, from raising children, to making small talk, to comforting a loved one, to planning our future. Stories are everywhere, including in our organisations… What else is a brand? Or a strategy? A story about who we are. A story about where...
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About these resources

These articles are for people who work with and in organisations of any kind – as leaders, managers, formal or informal change agents. If you are trying to work more consciously and effectively with change in your organisation, I hope you’ll find some ideas here that make your work (and your life) a bit easier, and your organisation a more effective, creative and positive place to be.

If you would like to engage around these ideas, ask a question or discuss the possibility of working together, please drop me a line.
