Organisation Development Consultant


facilitation warren-banks-honouring-our-legacy-making-change
[4-minute read] Recently, I worked with a new client that was older than most — approaching its centenary. Its leaders, managers, staff and other stakeholders wanted to figure out how to remain relevant and cutting edge for another hundred years.  This post shares one of the steps we took together en route to figuring out their...
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organisational damage control warren-banks-aligning-purpose-strategy-culture-chess
[4-minute read] Often organisations spend a lot of time talking about strategy… Developing strategic plans… Trying to engender a culture of strategic thinking… Building ownership of the strategy amongst staff. And so on. This makes complete sense: good strategy is critical for success. It’s our road-map into the future, towards our goals and aspirations.  And,...
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About these resources

These articles are for people who work with and in organisations of any kind – as leaders, managers, formal or informal change agents. If you are trying to work more consciously and effectively with change in your organisation, I hope you’ll find some ideas here that make your work (and your life) a bit easier, and your organisation a more effective, creative and positive place to be.

If you would like to engage around these ideas, ask a question or discuss the possibility of working together, please drop me a line.
